Josef Sudek- Still Lifes

Josef Sudek (1896-1976) was a Czech photographer, mostly known for his photographs of Prague, as well as still lifes. In the book Still Lifes, the introduction writer Jan Marius Tomes highlights how Sudek’s still life photographs talked about things that were hidden going beyond objective reality.

Sudek used disorder, objects with metaphoric meanings (flowers, egg shells, glass of water, etc.) to carry meaning through his photographs. Some of his photographs, shown below, correlate with my project idea in that they portray emptiness, shallowness and materialistic possessions. He also positioned many of these objects against rain stained windows adding depth to the overall meaning. This gives me food for thought when it comes to the background I will use in my own photographs.

Onions, 1945





Late Roses, 1959



Reference: Sudek, J. (2008) Josef Sudek: Still Lifes. New York: Torst.


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